Working for the Lord doesn't pay much...
But his retirement plan is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!

Millicent Gibson
Gwendolyn Moore
Shawn Calendar
Gramae Clark

father - you have walked with me down troublesome paths and guided me through trials and tribulations that I never thought
i'd see my way through - you have truly blessed me father and for that I devote all my being to you - i've realized that I
will find no love like your love for me - this isn't just an acknowledgement of your grace - but a personal note for me to
always remember how much you move with me - I love you with all my heart and soul- Amen.
LONELINESS* "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for
I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you" Genesis 28:15
When your(my) father and mother forsake
you (me), then the LORD will take care of you (me). Psalms 27:10
*JOY* Blessed are
the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day
long, And in Your righteousness they are exalted. Psalms 89:15,16
*PEACE* Great peace
have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. Psalms 119:165
if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:14
And be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
*COURAGE* ...do
not fear nor be afraid of them;for the LORD your GOD, He is the One whogoes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? TheLORD is the strength of my life; Of whom
shall I be afraid? Whenthe wicked came against me To eat up my flesh, My enemies andfoes, They stumbleded and fell. Though
an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear; Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident. Psalms
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strength you, Yes, I will help you with
My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
*PROSPERITY* If they obey and serve Him, They shall
spend their days in prosperity, And their years in pleasures. Job 36:11
Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel
of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of
the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be likea tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth
its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever hedoes shallprosper. Psalms 1:1-3
*PRAYER* Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore! 1Chronicles 16:11
in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Father God I am just learning how to pray, so bear with me First I thank you for the life
of everyone that's here with me Lord Jesus it is you, who wakes me up every day And I am forever grateful for your lovewhen
it seems like the pressure gets to be too much I take time out and pray, and ask that you be my crutch Lord I am not
perfect by a longshot -- I thank you for the love you give me, why? I don't know; I don't deserve it, and it hurts inside Many
a nights I cried, and called your name out loud But didn't call you when I was doin good, I was too proud And STILL
you gave me love, I wasn't used to that Most of the people that gave me love, they ended up takin it back That's somethin
new to me, so I'm askin you for time to adjust Let me make it there, I will be one you can trust What I stand for, I
put my life on, I DO! I guess what I'm askin is - show me how to stand for you I confess to you daily But I work harder
everyday, and I hope that you hear me In my heart I mean well, but if you'll help me to grow then what I have in my
heart, will begin to show And when I get goin, I'm not lookin back for NOTHIN Cause I will know where I'm headed, cause
I'm so tired of the sufferin I stand before you, a weakened version of, your reflection Beggin for direction, for my
soul needs resurrection I don't deserve what you've given me, but you never took it from me because I am grateful, and
I use it, and I do not, worship money
Thinking back 33 years - what
if my birth was a miscarriage and I never existed...I come to you weak you give me strength and that's deep you call
me a sheep and lead me to green pastures only asking that I keep the focus in-between the chapters You give me the word
and only ask that I interpret And give me the eyes that I may recognize the serpent You know I am not perfect, but you'd
like me to try Unlike the devil who just wants me to lie till I die Lord why is it that, I go through so much pain All
I saw was black, all I felt was rain I come to you because its you who knows you showed me that everything was black
because my eyes were closed You gave me the light and let me bask in your glory I do know this - that each one of us
has a star - all you have to do is find it - when you do everyone around you will be blinded...I remember many a times I went
to granma for the answer and she told me that God - had it - So Now here I am - confused and full of questions - was I born
to lose or is this just a lesson - Plenty of times you sent help my way, but I hid and I remember once you held me
close, but I slid There was something that I just had to see that you wanted me to see so I can be what you wanted me
to be And I think I've seen it, but I don't feel the same Matter of fact I know I've seen it, I can feel the change and
it's strange almost got me beating down your door But I have never known a love like this before It's a wonderful feeling
to get away from the pain and up under the ceiling I get away from the rain - And
the strain that I feel when I'm here is gone
[DMX] Let us pray. I thank you Lord for
my birth, and everythings thats followed. I thank you Lord for today, and I will pray for tomorrow. I thank you Lord
for the love of my life and a friend. I made a promise, and I'm lovin' my wife 'til the end. I thank you Lord for your
guidance, cause thats all that counts. And right here, right NOW, Lord this is your house. I thank you Lord for a
dream that came true to light. And I ask you to bless everybody in this room tonight. I don't always do the right thing,
and I ask you to forgive me. Cause I need you here wit me, without you in my life it's empty. I think back to how some
people did me like, violence was the remedy. And because I think of that now, I pray for my enemy. Not because of what
I'll do, but because they don't know. There's somethin' better after here, but everybody, won't go. So I ask you to
forgive them, and we'll hope they see. And I thank you for the love that, they've given to me. I will not abuse it,
nor will I lead them astray. See, I love 'em like children, that I see everyday. And I pray, no WE pray together, get
us through the bad weather, and we love you forever. Let your thought, and my heart, go hand in hand. I first thought,
but to start, but I stand a man. And for as long as I can, as long as you permit me. Please give me, the strength I
need to live. Bare wit me. Amen.
We each walk the path, that we've chosen.
(sung) I'm ready
to meet him, cause where I'm livin aint right. Black hate white, white hate black, it's right back to the same fight. They
got us suspectin' a war, but the real war is to follow the law of the Lord. Lord you left me stranded, and I don't know
why. Told me to live my life, and now I'm ready to die. Ready to fly, I cry but I shed no tears. You told me you
were dead. Those fears, is for years. Snakes still comin' at me, just missin'. Somtimes I think that all you do at
me, is just listen. I thought that I was special, that's what you told me. Hold me, stop actin' like you don't know
me! When I do so bad that it sends you away from me. Not only sent you away, but made you stay away from me. "My
child, I'm here as I've always been. It is you who in a way, and now I'm back again. What did I say?" Follow your word
and be true. "What did you do?" Well, what I wanted to do. "What have you seen?" Darkness and Hell at a glance. "What
do you want?" All I want is another chance!
Ready to meet him, cause I'm livin' aint right. Black hate white,
white hate black, it's right back to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war is to follow the law of
the Lord. I'm ready to meet him, cause where I'm livin' aint right. Black hate white, white hate black, it's right back
to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war is to follow the law of the Lord.
"Just because
you went away, my doors are not locked. When you come back home, all you gotta do is knock." You see, I left home a
boy, but returned as a man. Full grown, but I am still not able to stand. "I gave you a hand!" But I was lookin'
the wrong way. Figured out the plan, then I started to pray. And that prayer, took me from here, to over there. Back
to over here, now it got me like, "Where?" Do I belong? Do I fit in? Things on my mind, where do I begin? It's easier
to sin, but it hurts my heart. I'm really tryin' to win, so where do we start? "Thou shalt not steal!" But what if
he stole from me? "Thou shalt not kill!" But what if he's tryin' to kill me? "Thou shalt not take my name in vain,
no matter how hard it rains, withstand the pain."
Ready to meet him, cause where I'm livin' aint right. Black
hate white, white hate black, it's right back to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war, is to
follow the law of the Lord. I'm ready to meet him, cause where I'm livin' aint right. Black hate white, white hate
black, it's right back to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war is to follow the law of the
I'm ready to meet him. Our Father, who art in heaven. I'm not ashamed to ask for guidance at 33. No
longer afraid to knock on your door! Not scared anymore to lose my life in a war! After what I just saw, I'm ridin'
with the Lord. Cause I really can't afford to lose my head by the sword. But now that I've seen, what I need to see,
please take me where I need to be... "What have you learned?" It's better to tell the truth than a lie! "What
have you learned?" To love my life, until I die! "What have you learned?" Violence isn't always the key! "What
have you learned?" You can't always believe what you see! "What have you learned?" It's better to forgive and forget! "What
have you learned?" Give as you expect to get! "What have you learned?"' That I can't go on without you! "What
have you learned?" I must have been a fool to ever doubt you!
Ready to meet him, cause where I'm livin' aint right. Black
hate white, white hate black, it's right back to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war, is to
follow the law of the Lord. I'm ready to meet him, cause where I'm livin' aint right. Black hate white, white hate
black, it's right back to the same fight. They got us suspectin' a war, but the real war is to follow the law of the

Bob Marley (6th February 1945-11t May 1981) The king of reggae was born in Nine Miles, Jamaica. He grew up in the ghetto
of Trench Town. That's where he also met his future collaborators, Peter Tosh (who got killed in 1983) and Bunny Wailer. Their
first single was "Judge Not," but their local breakthrough was in 1973 with the album, "Catch A Fire." In the US, it was "Rastaman
Vibration," while worldwide recognition was thanks to "Exodus".
Released in 1974, "Burnin" has been
a big influence in the music world. Eric Clapton's version of "I Shot The Sherrif" gained him a worldwide smash. Hits like
"No Woman No Cry," "Jammin" (his first UK top 10 hit), "One Love/People Get Ready" and "Could You Beloved" made him a worldwide
phenomenon, and the king of reggae.
Cancer reached him and in 1980 he
wasn't able to finish the tour that would be his last, as he died of cancer in 1981. After that his albums started to sell
very well, especially "Legend" in 1984, which was even re-released in 1999. It is definitely one of the most successful albums
ever. "One Love/People Get Ready" became a top 5 hit in Europe.
After that there were a few posthumous
releases of him, but the big seller came out in 1992, when "Songs Of Freedom" was released. It was a booklet with 4 CDs, which
was a great retrospective of Marley's music. Around that time, he had a top 5 hit in Europe with a remixed version of "Iron
Lion Zion." "Natural Mystic" was a success in 1995, but 1999 gave him more success again. A remixed version of "Sun Is Shining"
was a top 5 hit in a big part of Europe. There was also a tribute album released, and the single "Turn Your Lights Down Low,"
featuring Lauryn Hill became a worldwide top 10 hit. Bob Marley still lives trough in the music of his son...
Salvation is a gift to be received - not a
goal to be reached...
Christians must live the world - but not let
the world live in them...
If we could earn our salavation - Christ would
not have died to provide it...
The pleasures of earth cannot be compared -
to the joys of Heaven...
Instead of putting others in thier place -
try putting yourself in thier place...
Settle all accounts today - you can't bank
on tomorrow...
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
- to gain what he cannot lose...
God sometimes puts us in the dark - so that
we may see the light...
Don't wait till the 11th hour to repent - you
may die at 10:59!!!
If I knew it would be the last time that
I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I see
you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear
your voice lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.
For surely there's always tomorrow to make up
for an oversight, and we always get a second chance to make everything right.
There will always be another day to say our "I
love you's", And certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do's?"
But just in case I might be wrong, and today
is all I get, I'd like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget, Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike, And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do
it today? For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time for a smile,
a hug, or a kiss and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper
in their ear, that you love them very much and you'll always hold them dear.
Take time to say "I'm sorry," "Please forgive
me," "Thank You," or "it's okay". And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.

Name: Tupac Amaru Shakur
aka Lesane Crooks
Date of Birth: June 16, 1971
Date of Death: September 13, 1996
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Place of Death: Las Vegas, Nevada
Measurements: 6'
0" 165 lbs.
Marital Status: Separated/Married
SEPTEMBER. 1968: Afeni Shakur joins the Black
Panthers. She is 22
APRIL 1969: Afeni Shakur is picked up and arrested for
conspiracy to bomb several public areas in NY CITY. During this time, Afeni Shakur is released on bail and during this
time "lopes" with two men. One, 2pac knows as "Legs" and the other Billy. Billy is involved with the Black Panther
FEBRUARY 1971: Afeni Shakur is sent to a Women's
House of Detention while pregant with Tupac.
JUNE 16th, 1971: Afeni Shakur is acquitted on the charges
brought against her, and in Tupac Shakur is born in the state of New York.
Inca words meaning "shining serpent". SHAKUR is arabic for "thankful to God."
1974-1983: Tupac's family living in the Bronx,
moves to Harlem. It is mentioned that during this time, Tupac and family were moving from shelter to shelter for a place
to live.
SEPTEMBER 1983: At age 12, Tupac is enrolled in the
127th Street Ensemble, which at the time is a Harlem Theater Group. Tupac appears in a small play, A Rasin in the Sun.
JUNE 1986: The Shakur family moves out of Harlem,
and into Baltimore. Tupac during this time takes the name MC NEW YORK and starts what will later become his great rapping
SEPTMEBER 1986: Tupac is enrolled in the Baltimore
School for the Arts. He studies acting, continues his career writing rap, and does some ballet.
JUNE 1988: Once again, Tupac and family move,
this time to Marin City. It is in Marin City that Tupac begins selling drugs to make some money.
AUGUST 1988: Mutulu Shakur, Tupac's "Stepfather" is
laid down a sentence of 60 years in prison for the 1981 Armored Car robbery, leaving Tupac again without a father figure.
MARCH 1990: Tupac joins the group Digital Underground
as a roadie. While touring, he becomes favored amongst others in the group, and they make him a dancer/rapper for their
shows. While away on tours, Tupac says he learns of his mother's use of crack.
NOVEMBER 12 1991: Tupac releases 2Pacalypse Now.
During this same year, Tupac files a 10 million dollar lawsuit against Oakland Police Department
for a jaywalking incident that turns brutal.
JANUARY 1992: Tupac takes his acting skills to
the test, and is given a role in Ernest Dickerson's JUICE. Tupac's character Bishop shines the spot light.
AUGUST 22 1992: While in Marin City, Tupac attends
the 50th Ann. of the city and it's during this party that an altercation takes place with Tupac and some of his long time
enemies. During the fight, a 6 year old little girl is shot and killed.
SEPTEMBER 1992: Dan Quayle takes aim at Tupac
and says that the album 2Pacalypse Now "Has no place in our society."
FEBRUARY 1993: Tupac releases his next album,
STRICTLY 4 MY N.I.G.G.A.Z is released and goes platinum.
MARCH 1993: A limo driver accuses Tupac of using
drugs in his limo while in Hollywood and files a report. Tupac is arrested but the charges are later dropped.
APRIL 1993: Tupac is again arrested, this time
in Michigan for swinging at a rapper with a baseball bat. Tupac is sentenced to 10 days in jail.
JULY 23, 1993: POETIC JUSTICE, a John Singleton
film is released featuring Tupac Shakur and Janet Jackson. During the production of the movie, Tupac and Janet get off
on bad terms when he refuses to take a HIV test that Janet wants him to take.
OCTOBER 31, 1993: Tupac is arrested for allegedly
shooting two off duty police officers. Tupac states that the officers were harassing a black motorist near by.
The charges are later dropped do to lack of evidence.
NOVEMBER 22 1993: Tupac is arrested again this
time for allegedly sodomizing and sexually abusing a 19 year old woman just 4 days before.
DECEMBER 1993: Tupac is dropped from his role
MARCH 10 1994: Tupac faces 15 days in jail for
knocking out director Allen Hughes for being dropped from MENACE II SOCIETY.
MARCH 23 1994: ABOVE THE RIM is released, Tupac
playing the role of Birdie.
NOVEMBER 30 1994: Tupac is shot five times in
the lobby of Times Square recording studio, and robbed of 40k worth of jewelery. (Theres a history to this, but I don't
have the time right this second to go into this one. I will post this later) After surgery, it is recorded
that Tupac checked himself out of the hospital less than 3 hours after he is placed in the Att. Care unit. Tupac states
that he didn't feel safe being there and had a hearing the next day.
DECEMBER 1 1994: Tupac beats the sodomy and weapons
charges brought against him, but is found guilty for sexual abuse with the 19 year old woman.
FEBRUARY 14, 1995: Tupac is sentenced to a max
time of 4 1/2 years and is sent to serve time at New York's Rikers Island penitentiary.
APRIL 1, 1995: ME AGAINST THE WORLD hits #1 on
the Billboards. The hit "Dear Mama" is on that album. This album later goes double platinum.
OCTOBER 1995: Death Row CEO Suge Knight puts up
1.4 million dollars bond for the release of Tupac Shakur. Tupac flies directly to L.A. and signs a 3 album deal with
Death Row Records. It is in this time that Tupac starts the production of ALL EYEZ ON ME.
NOVEMBER 30, 1995: Randy Walker, aka Stretch is
murdered in Queens, New York. Stretch was a close friend of Tupacs, that Tupac mentioned as one of the men who
had set him up in the Time Square shootiing.
DECEMBER-FEBRUARY 1995/1996: Tupac starts slingin'
that he has been sleeping with Biggie's wife, singer Faith Evans. During this time to present, Faith denies all such
FEBRUARY 13, 1996: ALL EYEZ ON ME is released
under Death Row Records, being the first double CD to come from rap.
MARCH 29, 1996: During the Soul Train awards,
Death Row and Bad Boy employees have a heated confrontation. During this fight, a gun is pulled and later is linked
to following events. (Soul Train awards was held in Los Angeles.)
APRIL 1996: ALL EYEZ ON ME goes quintuple platinum.
Tupac's career with Death Row seems to be bonded 4 life, and his career seems untouchable.
JUNE 4, 1996: Tupac's "HIT EM UP" is released
under Death Row. In this video, Tupac hits hard against Bad Boy, Mobb Deep, Biggie, and the whole East Coast crew connected
to Bad Boy Ent.
a fight breaks out between Tupac and some Bad Boy employees and fans. (MTV MUSIC AWARDS was held in New York City.)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1996: After the Mike Tyson vs Bruce
Seldon fight in Las Vegas, Nevada, Tupac and Suge head out to Suge's place for a few drinks before the event at CLUB 662,
a club owned by Suge Knight. The club that night was having a retirement party for some fighters. During the ride
to the club from Suge's place, a white Cadillac pulls up side of Tupac's BMW on the right side. Suge is driving and
Tupac is in the passenger seat. A large caravan of cars are following Pac and Suge to the Club for the party.
As the Cadillac pulls up side of Tupac's BMW, an assailant from the Cadillac steps out and fires 14 shots into the BMW at
as they are stopped at a traffic light. Tupac takes 4 gunshot wounds. Two wounds to the chest, one to the hand
in an attempt to deflect the shots, and another in his pelvis as he tries to jump in the back of the BMW. Suge gets
"grazzed" by a bullet in the head. After a U turn and a mile later Suge is pulled over and Tupac is rushed to University
Medical Center, where he undergoes the first in the surgeries to save his life. After initial surgery, doctors cannot
stop the internal bleeding that Tupac has taken, and they remove his right lung in an attempt to save the young man's life.
SEPTEMBER 13th, 1996: (FRIDAY 13th) Tupac Amaru
Shakur is pronounced dead at 4:03 P.M. His body taken for an autopsy and is cremated the next day. Tupac was 25.
NOVEMBER 5 1997: Makaveli: The Don Killuminati:
The 7 Day Theory is released